[W3C Cognitive AI] Re: [cogai] - feedback chuncks and rules and FAQ- Telecon today at 13:00 GMT


Some feedback:

1) Chunks and Rules

I have some comments, but no idea yet to help you rephrase it.

In case, it is easy for you to take into account some comments.

“both declarative knowledge (i.e. data) as well as procedural knowledge
(i.e. rules).

-> remind definition chuncks (= if then else rule) - simple example

-> remind procedural knowledge

-> remind declarative knowledge

ok chunk is explained later in section 4 but still not that easy “A chunk
is a named typed collection of properties. A chunk is used to model both
declarative knowledge and procedural knowledge as a collection of basic
familiar units that have been grouped together and stored in memory.”

@Amelie TODO retrieve definition from Cognitive AI Book

“The rule engine operates on a set of modules, where each module has a
graph of chunks and supports a common set of operations on chunks. Each
module also has a single module buffer that the rule engine can process and
that can hold one and only one chunk at a time.”

-> need concrete example to help the understanding

“iso8601 1879-03-14 { year 1879 month 3 day 14 }”

why does the term ISO appeared here? -> ok to represent date

add a section example applied to IoT:

 Rule: IF AtmosphericPressure lessThan 998 000 Pascal THEN VeryLowPressure

Rule Compliant with W3C CognitiveAI

LowPressure {state AtmosphericPressure; AtmosphericPressure ?value; @gt
?value, 998 000}

LowPressure {state done}

console {@do show; value “suggestion to be defined later”}

Note: AtmosphericPressure compliant with ontologies (e.g.,
M3:AtmosphericPressure, weather-ontology:LowPressure)

"@fromSpecifies the zero-based starting index of an @for
<https://w3c.github.io/cogai/#dfn-for> iteration. Value must be an
integer."-> @end?
should we have something similar to end the loop?-> Ok mentioned after this
is @to ->moved it earlier in the text after @from?


2) Regarding your FAQ:
-> I would like to see an additional question and answer:
How W3C Cognitive AI is built on top of the book: Artificial Cognitive
Systems – A Primer
How does it differ?
Which parts are reused?
What are the pros and cons?

How does Cognitive AI relate to Cognitive Computing?
-> suggestion IBM wtson book
Smart Machines: IBM's Watson and the Era of Cognitive Computing
Artificial Cognitive Systems – A Primer
AI Book from russel
what else?
" but none as yet for Cognitive AI as described in these pages  "
I would like to see a comparison with Artificial Cognitive Systems – A
"There are plenty of courses on Cognitive Science"
-> please add concrete references and links
-> I would add the two books suggested above
  Smart Machines: IBM's Watson and the Era of Cognitive Computing

Le lun. 16 nov. 2020 à 11:32, Dave Raggett <dsr@w3.org> a écrit :

> Having skipped a couple of calls, it seems timely to have one today and to
> discuss the FAQ
> https://github.com/w3c/cogai/blob/master/faq.md
> What questions are missing, and what answers could be improved?
> The call details are given at:
> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/internal-cogai/2020Sep/0000.html
> p.s. please don’t share the call details on a public medium. The above
> link is accessible to anyone who is a member of the Cognitive AI CG.
> Many thanks,
> Dave Raggett <dsr@w3.org> http://www.w3.org/People/Raggett
> W3C Data Activity Lead & W3C champion for the Web of things

Received on Monday, 16 November 2020 14:59:32 UTC