New demo on smart factories and improved rule syntax

I’ve just added a new demo involving the use of a cognitive agent for real-time control of a smart factory. <>

At the same time, I’ve made some improvements that allow for the use of semicolons in place of newlines after property values, and a much easier way to represent rules without the need to give the chunk IDs.

The factory demo exchanges messages with a variety of machinery, and you can see a log of the messaging activity as it happens.

I’ve also made a start at showing how to use chunks for ontologies, with a view to being able to validate rules to check that 

Actions don’t pass wrong values
Actions only used declared methods
Action responses are handled correctly

I’ve also improved the user interface for the existing counting and decision-tree demos: <> <>

The files for all three demos are in GitHub, see: <>

I next plan to work on the natural language demo to show how Cognitive AI can be applied to natural language understanding and generation.  I am also planning a demo that shows how graphs can be automatically transformed when updating the ontology to fulfil new requirements. Something that is difficult for SQL/RDBMS databases. Offers of help would be greatly appreciated.

p.s. My colleague François Daoust is kindly helping me with preparing a draft Community Group Report for the chunks graph and rules language. We will be using the issue tracker to document the questions that arise as we do so. Your input is welcomed as this is a much needed proposal for simplifying semantic technologies for the average developer, and an evolutionary step beyond RDF and Property Graphs.

Dave Raggett <>
W3C Data Activity Lead & W3C champion for the Web of things 

Received on Sunday, 31 May 2020 18:06:59 UTC