- From: Ciara (Kiki) Salmon <csalmon@google.com>
- Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 10:12:39 -0700
- To: public-coga-community@w3.org
- Message-ID: <CA+jZhYLO0Hgz3a1_1O_bc0TVx75xEuAHKLF3bhJjeLf18yawcw@mail.gmail.com>
Hi COGA Community Group, The next meeting will be Thursday, August 3rd at 15:00 UTC. Meeting in Local Times - PST: 7:00 AM - CST: 9:00 AM - EST: 10:00 AM - United Kingdom: 3:00PM - Berlin: 4:00 PM - Israel: 5:00 PM - India: 7:30 PM If you would like another timezone translated into local time, please let Aditya Bikkani, Ciara (Kiki) Salmon or Jamie Knight know. Also time zones can change with daylight savings, so if the time is incorrect, please let Adi, Kiki or Jamie and we will update it! Meeting join information: w3.org/2017/08/telecon-info_coga-cg <https://www.w3.org/2017/08/telecon-info_coga-cg> (opens in a new tab) Check the meeting time in your timezone: worldtimeserver.com/convert_time_in_UTC.aspx <https://www.worldtimeserver.com/convert_time_in_UTC.aspx> Meeting Agenda 1. Welcome (Meeting notes <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VsHS-oQDR7XY87E91sd-zqYaq8DCH9Ppwf9YeqCNcks/edit#heading=h.86bg6g3kgb2y>) (5 minutes) 1. Identify scribe in June 1st meetings notes 2. Discuss pending matters from previous meeting (50 minutes) 1. [Jamie] update on meeting platform 2. [Simo] Update on Fears affect on cognition document <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1w8ej8f8bZSLSxc_lpgXZLnFWChQAbcd9Af4bvlMTjPE/edit?usp=sharing> 3. [Lea] Community outreach update 4. [Kiki] Chance to bring up any topics or issues we want to bring to the task force Closing questions, adding any items to next month agenda and next steps (5 minutes) This will also be shared on the slack channel. Direct link to join the slack channel: https://join.slack.com/t/w3ccogacommunitygroup/shared_invite/zt-1j4mjcois-buF7SqC9JwkUixWYffHC4Q Kiki -- Ciara (Kiki) Salmon, OTR/L | Researcher (Provided by Pro Unlimited) | Measurement and Foundational Insights, Central A11y | Pronouns: she/her
Received on Tuesday, 1 August 2023 17:12:58 UTC