Cognitive Accessibility Community Group: update on meeting times

Hello Cognitive Accessibility Community Group,

*~~ note, you may receive this email twice because I'll also be posting it
to the Community Group webpage
<> ~~*

A big thank you to Hiral for creating a poll to help us identify the best
option for our APAC friendly meetings.

*This email is an update on what our meeting schedule* will be moving
forward. I'll be updating the calendar events (both the Google Calendar
invites and the group calendar) accordingly.

*How our meeting schedule will work:*

   - We will meet *every two weeks*
      - *AMER and EMEA friendly time, 9:00 am Eastern Time: 1st Thursday of
      each month *-- next meeting date: Thursday November 4 at 9:00 AM
      Eastern Time
      - *APAC friendly time, 9:00 pm Eastern Time: 3rd Wednesday of each
      month (this is Tuesday in AMER  time)* -- next meeting date: Tuesday
      November 16 at 9:00 PM Eastern Time
      - While *we are not meeting again until November,* the W3C's annual
      conference, TPAC, is happening now. Find out more and join the public
      conversations here:

      <>  *
   - Our meeting link *cannot be posted publicly*, so you will be able find
   it in two places:
      - The Community Group Calendar
      <> (you must be
      logged in)
      - On the Google Calendar event invite that will be sent to

      - On our next meetings, *I will teach the group how to use IRC* so
   that we can use this to record notes for our meetings and make them
   publicly available

*Responding to other group requests: *

   - Some team members have asked if we can open up a Slack channel, as
   well. We can do this, but we need to set that up. Is there a volunteer who
   would be willing to set this up for us?

   - We will continue using Zoom for our primary meetings so that we can
   remain within the W3C infrastructure.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

Otherwise, see you on the *first Monday in November*.



Received on Monday, 18 October 2021 16:10:22 UTC