duplicate information

Congratulations on the latest roadmap and gap analysis. Just wanted to 
flag an easily resolved issue. Two versions of same information:

Attitudes and misinformation can also become a barrier to inclusion for 
people with cognitive disabilities. For example, developers that may feel 
people with cognitive disabilities are not in their "target audience" and 
so have no interest in their inclusion. Also, studies of usability often 
over-sample college students. This can mean that the results work less 
well for those inadequately represented among sub-groups of college 
students (such the aging population).
Attitudes and misinformation can also become a barrier to inclusion for 
people with cognitive disabilities. For example, developers that may feel 
people with cognitive disabilities are not in their “target audience” and 
so have no interest in their inclusion. Also, studies of usability often 
over-sample college students. Thus the results work less well for groups 
who are not well represented among sub-groups of college students (such 
the aging population).

Michael Gower
IBM Accessibility

1803 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC  V8T 5C3
cellular: (250) 661-0098 *  fax: (250) 220-8034

Received on Friday, 22 June 2018 16:58:42 UTC