Re: Merging zh and en versions of clreq (urgent)

On 07/07/2015 11:41, Yijun Chen wrote:
> Agree to the proposal. But what’s wrong with the original `lang` attribute that we had to use `data-lang` instead?

hi Yijun,

yes, i thought about that, too.  I might be convinced otherwise, but my 
reasoning was that we need a key for a script to do the separation, and 
if the key is the lang attribute then it may be more difficult to tell 
which instances of the lang attribute should be used for splitting the 
text, and which are there to really indicate the language of the text.

in the end, i thought it safer to use a dedicated attribute. I also 
thought that the final documents would be better if they didn't have 
lang attributes on every p, hx, etc, but again removing just those that 
aren't needed and leaving those that are may not be straightforward.


PS: fwiw, jlreq used lang attributes, but each language string appeared 
within an extra element with a class and id that grouped the pair 
together. That sounded like far too much effort to create and maintain. 
  Also the method of dealing with inline stuff with ids, such as dfn, 
required a lot of indirection and scripting.  I'm aiming to keep the 
extra markup and effort minimal for clreq.

Received on Tuesday, 7 July 2015 10:52:00 UTC