Pushing the Web advantages


During the call Tuesday, several people noted that we haven't
sufficiently investigated the advantages that can give the Web the lead
over other platforms, independently of its presumed weaknesses.

We have a few topics that I think are already looking at the Web
* in-context discovery would rely on the Web lack of installation
http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-closingthegap/2013Apr/0015.html (and parts of the Web Apps UX topics also surround that notion)

* searching Web apps started from the assumption that the Web has a much
better story when it comes to searchability than native ecosystems

I'm happy for us to entertain other topics on which we think we can push
the Web advantages; I had listed quite a few in my brain dump a few
months ago: http://www.w3.org/wiki/Closing_the_gap_with_native#Strengths

I think the ones that are the most likely to lead to fruitful results
would be:
* designing cross-platform and cross-devices interactions
* the possibility to link / transclude / integrate across applications
and services

Is anyone in position to take the lead on investigating these (or any
other benefits they see) and turning them into potential action plans
for W3C?



Received on Friday, 3 May 2013 12:39:13 UTC