Re: Expected outcomes of this task force

Le mercredi 06 mars 2013 à 15:32 -0500, Arthur Barstow a écrit :
> [[
> Native apps will not be usurped by HTML5 any time soon. HTML5 developers 
> should not try to replicate something that already exists, they should 
> try to create something different, and possible better. HTML5 is Not 
> about replacing native applications; it's about creating awesome 
> products using Web technologies.
> ]]
> Anyhow, if `native app environments` are this group's enemy, it seems 
> like the group should be a bit careful about the target(s) and not doing 
> anything `collusive`.

I don't think native apps are an enemy to the Web, but I do believe they
are in competition with the Web if only when it comes to the attention
and investment they get from developers (and the businesses behind

So this group effort is certainly not about killing native apps (both
Web and native have co-existed for a long time), but to look at the
aspects that have made native an often more compelling proposition on
mobile (for users, developers) than the Web, and see whether we should
emulate them, or propose alternative approaches, or something else.

I'll certainly agree that in many cases, reproducing what native apps do
will not be the right way to make the Web a platform for "creating
awesome products" :)

> BTW, the list above looks GTM (kinda' reads like the CoreMob charter ;-)).

FWIW, I think it's probably broader than the coremob charter, although I
do expect CoreMob (or its successor) to play an important role, both in
enacting the agenda we will come up with, and in ensuring that agenda
keeps up with the evolutions in this space.


Received on Thursday, 7 March 2013 13:57:02 UTC