Expected outcomes of this task force


In case this helps focus the mind of the people interested in seeing how
W3C can help the Web close the gap with native apps, here are some ideas
(by no mean exhaustive) of the type of actions this task force could

* if we see technologies for which we have no ongoing work but are high
priority, we could propose to bring these to existing working groups,
create new working groups (or simply start a community group to get the
ball rolling earlier)

* if we determine broader challenges that are not ready for
standardization or whose scope is ill-defined, we could propose the
organization of one or more W3C workshops on the said topic (ideally
with some proposed call for participation)

* if we find structural issues in how some of our technologies are
developed (e.g. disconnect on timing and priorities, or disconnect on
business requirements and delivered specs, or harmful inconsistencies
across specs/working groups), we could look into what changes in our
habits, processes or policies could help address these

* if we find issues linked to perceptions from developers (rather than
what we estimate to be the real situation), we probably ought to think
of how existing devrel efforts (e.g., but not exclusively
webplatform.org) can be used to help spread the message

It is also likely we will find issues where it's not clear whether W3C
can help address them, or how it could; we would have to address these
on a case-by-case basis.

It is also entirely possible that we find that re-using one the above
(and W3C-traditional) mechanisms will only exacerbate the problem, and
that we should try another completely different approach to solving it.

But I thought that at least giving rough ideas on potential suggested
actions could help us move forward.


Received on Wednesday, 6 March 2013 18:01:01 UTC