Agenda for Chemistry on the Web Meeting 11-13-2022

I apologize; I have a kid home with COVID from a daycare exposure, which 
means the other one is home too, so my schedule has been thrown off 
completely. Below is a brief agenda for our meeting on Thursday January 
13 at 12:00 PM EDT. If anyone has any additional items, feel free to 
send them out beforehand or bring them up during the meeting. Ashley has 
set up the Zoom meeting, and the information is at the end of the 
agenda. I do not have much new for this meeting, so I am anticipating a 
short meeting.
The December minutes are attached.

1. Approve minutes from previous meeting.

2. Call for scribe.

3. Updates on future meeting topics

4. Continuation of discussion on organic chemistry subgroup.

5. Discussion of other possible projects to consider.

6. Any other business.
7. Schedule next meeting.

Meeting Information:
Independence Science is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
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Received on Thursday, 13 January 2022 02:51:21 UTC