XML Change Tracking Standard

Robin, in light of the Executive Order
<http://xml.fido.gov/stratml/carmel/EOOMRDwStyle.xml>  and accompanying OMB
policy memo <http://xml.fido.gov/stratml/carmel/M-13-13wStyle.xml>  making
openness, machine-readability, and data standards
2b-79d279ad226c>  the default for U.S. government information, the time may
be ripe to: 


a)      Specify XML schemas (XSDs) for all .gov records series
<http://www.slac.stanford.edu/history/terminology.shtml> , including
Executive Orders and OMB policy memos, for example;

b)      render the authoritative sources of .gov records in open, standard,
XML formats; and

c)       apply a W3C standard for tracking changes to them.


It would be a continuation of a series of unfortunate events
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Series_of_Unfortunate_Events>  dating back
more than a decade if the W3C (along with other SDOs like OASIS, AIIM &
ARMA) were to fail to capitalize on such an opportunity.


Owen Ambur

Chair, AIIM StratML Committee

Co-Chair Emeritus, xml.gov <http://xml.fid.gov/>  CoP

Communications/Membership Director, FIRM <http://firmcouncil.org/index.htm> 

Former Project Manager, ET.gov <http://ambur.net/et/ETGovHistory.htm> 

Invited Expert, W3C eGov IG



From: Robin LaFontaine [mailto:robin.lafontaine@deltaxml.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2013 6:52 AM
To: public-change@w3.org
Subject: Next steps?


Things seem to have gone very quiet on this list - I have been trying to
contact our chairman, Mohamed, so far without success, to see how best to
move forward. That said, I have had a lot of folk asking how this is
progress and when there might be a W3C offering in change tracking!

It would be good if someone could help us move forward with a conference
call, meeting or other suggestion. 


-- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Robin La Fontaine, Director, DeltaXML Ltd  "Experts in information change"
T: +44 1684 592 144  E: robin.lafontaine@deltaxml.com      
Registered in England 02528681 Reg. Office: Monsell House, WR8 0QN, UK

Received on Wednesday, 23 October 2013 15:51:43 UTC