CDL W3C Community Group

Dear Everyone,

Thanks so much to everyone who has joined the CDL Community Group in W3C.

This test message is to let you know that this list exists for member use.

Also, I'll take this opportunity to give some news about group membership.

We have invited several colleagues from US, ROC, PRC and Japan to join, and we expect to see more people join this group soon. However ...

* Some in PRC have told me that they are blocked from W3C websites and by The Great Firewall.

Such people may not be able to participate except vicariously, or when they are travelling abroad.

* Some who work for US companies which are members of W3C have explained to me that they must overcome certain bureaucratic hurdles in order to participate.

Hopefully such corporate hurdles are more surmountable than The Great Firewall.

Help us build an international standard for CJK glyph data in W3C!

Current members can help spread the word, and help us to invite more interested parties to join (see below).

Best wishes!

-Richard Cook


If you contributed to the "CJK Strokes" work in IRG, 
or if you have talked to CDL contributors in the last 15 years, 
then you already know what CDL is. In sum:

* CDL is a powerful new font technology developed at Wenlin Institute, Inc.
* CDL fonts can have any number of glyphs, limited only by available memory!
* CDL is able to represent any and all glyph variants of any character.
* CDL glyphs have built-in stroke-level CJK indexing, meaningful to humans!
* CDL descriptions can be associated with zero or more UCS code points.
* CDL development contributes to Unihan development in Unicode/ISO 10646.
* CDL can feed into the UCS encoding process, and help manage IVD data.
* CDL specializes in CJK, but is more generally applicable!


Received on Thursday, 21 August 2014 18:07:20 UTC