Re: Issue with Scalable Child test

Hi Jonathan,

I think I got this fixed. Could you please verify?


On 09.11.2007, at 20:56, Jonathan Watt wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a patch for the sizing of SVG in a CSS context (XHTML) going  
> through
> review at Mozilla right now. The test:
> WICD Core Comb. #1
> would seem to pass, except that the whitespace between the <object/>  
> tags takes
> up horizontal space. This extra space means there's not enough room  
> for three
> <object>s with a width of 33.33%, so it knocks the third embedded  
> SVG over so
> there are only two circles per line. If I remove the whitespace from  
> between the
> tags then I do indeed get three circles per line.
> Since the children of the <div> containing the SVG are all inline I  
> think the
> behavior is correct, so perhaps the test needs to be rethought.
> Regards,
> Jonathan

Received on Saturday, 10 November 2007 11:37:26 UTC