Re: Closing up last call comments on CDF.

At 4:17 AM +0100 15 03 2007, Chris Lilley wrote:
>Hello Al,
>I'm just checking on behalf of CDF WG that our responses
>to your WAI PF comments LC3-137 to LC2-140 on the second Last call of CDF

With one small exception, everything is hunky-dory.

The one edit would be:



    <p>For accessibility, a conformant WICD user agent must, at user option,
       provide a means to map author settings of "frozen" or "static" to
       "dynamic". This ensures that users  can inteact with SVG interactive
       elements. See <specref ref="hyperlinking"/> and
       <specref ref="focus-handling"/>.</p>




    <p>For accessibility, a conformant WICD user agent must, at user option,
       provide a means to override author settings of this parameter. 
This ensures that users can
       a) mask unwanted distractions or b) interact with SVG 
interactive elements that would
       be masked by a 'frozen' rendering.
       See <specref ref="hyperlinking"/> and
       <specref ref="focus-handling"/>.</p>



There are disability use cases for opening up interaction, and also 
for closing it down.
Also, when opening it up, the user may wish to go to 'static' and 
have a static presentation
with interactive elements in it and not always go all the way to 
'dynamic' with its implication
of a potentially constantly-changing presentation.  I don't see that 
the general ability
for the user agent to support the user's choice of this parameter in 
place of the author's
choice as being particularly harder to handle in the user agent than 
the more restricted
case that we asked for before.


I have floated this edit in PFWG and not shaken the tree more than 
once.  But this means
that nobody spoke up for or against it.

If CDF can accept this reasoning as a friendly amendment, just take 
the edit and run.

If you see some advantage to limiting the user change to the 
particular property
transitions initially stated, please explain.

Looking forward to a speedy complete resolution,

/chair PFWG

>are acceptable to you. The disposition of comments
>captures email discussion, but we also had a joint telcon: minutes
>(Member only) at
>which produced the following actions:
>[NEW] ACTION: Chris to add "without a pointing device" phrase to section 6
>[recorded in ]
>This is now closed: the conformance requirement reads:
>   WICD compliant user agents must provide the ability for users with a
>   keyboard or joystick input device (and without a pointing device),
>   to navigate to any focusable element in the root document and all of
>   its descendants.
>[NEW] ACTION: JRG to propose text for P1 frozen override option
>[recorded in ]
>(no action number)
>Jon completed that:
>[NEW] ACTION: Chris to obtain text from JRG for P1 frozen override option
>[recorded in ]
>The conformance requirement takes into account discussion on the
>proposed text. It also omits the "keyboard' etc because interaction
>may be by any device. The text now reads:
>   For accessibility, a conformant WICD user agent must, at user
>   option, provide a means to map author settings of "frozen" or
>   "static" to "dynamic". This ensures that users can inteact with SVG
>   interactive elements. See 5 Hyperlinking and 6 Focus Handling.
>[NEW] ACTION: Timur to add links to further information on focus traversal
>[recorded in ]
>See above links in the spec text.
>[NEW] ACTION: Timur to reword last paragraph of Section 6 Focus
>Handling to
>[recorded in ]
>Reword last paragraph of Section 6 Focus Hanlding to something like
>"In some situations like ..<example>. A user agent must still allow
>the user to focus on a child element which was removed from focus
>traversal, at user option."
>The current text is
>   In some situations, like in a user activatable mode for making all
>   non interactive elements focusable, a user agent may still allow the
>   user to focus on a child element which was originally removed from
>   focus traversal.
>   For instance, a user agent may allow a user to focus on a static SVG
>   image for the purpose of saving it or interacting with it in other
>   ways.
>We therefore believe that all of the comments and their follow-on
>actions are done. Please confirm shortly, or indicate any problems.
>  Chris Lilley          
>  Interaction Domain Leader
>  Co-Chair, W3C SVG Working Group
>  W3C Graphics Activity Lead
>  Co-Chair, W3C Hypertext CG

Received on Tuesday, 27 March 2007 01:50:18 UTC