Added SVG To Wiki


I posted a first draft of some issues and considerations for the 
inclusion of SVG inline in HTML (text/html).  It's broken down into 
bulleted lists for future expansion into prose.  This is very 
incomplete, and any additions are welcome.  The first draft was the 
result of brainstorming by the SVG WG, and was composed with an attempt 
not to solve issues, but to raise them in an impartial analysis; no 
undue significance should be placed on categorizing options and points 
as "pros and cons", as that is only informed opinion, and subject to 

The SVG WG sees it as very important that authors should be able to use 
SVG inline in HTML, and that barriers to enabling this should be 
overcome by our collaboration.  The CDF WG is also very interested in 
this work, as it is currently defining the CDI (Compound Documents by 
Inclusion) specifications.

-Doug Schepers
W3C Staff Contact, SVG, CDF, and WebAPI

Received on Saturday, 1 December 2007 12:23:34 UTC