Re: [WICDMobile] focus support


Regarding your comments [1] and [2], the CDF WG has in a teleconference
meeting [3] decided to clarify this issue as follows. In section "6
Focus support" of WICD Core specification [4], the sentence

"Which elements qualify as focusable elements must be defined by this
specification or by the profiles that are built upon this specification."

will be replaced with the text

"The language specifications that are used with this framework should
define what elements are focusable."

In addition, we will include the following informative note
right after the previous sentence

"The current XHTML specifications do not clearly define what elements
are focusable. It is common industry practice that all elements, which
have tabindex attribute are focusable, e.g., a, input, select, textarea,
object, button, area."

Please, let us know within two weeks if this does not satisfy your comment.


Petri Vuorimaa on behalf of the CDF WG


Received on Wednesday, 3 May 2006 19:28:50 UTC