RE: [WICD] focusable property

Hi Anne, 

> From: Anne van Kesteren

> In 
> <>
>  there are two sentences which mention a "focusable 
> property". "Advertising focusable property depends on the 
> used namespace." and "A focusable property can be used to 
> trigger additional functionality in a user agent."  
> It is unclear to me whether the two sentences are related and 
> where such a "focusable property" is defined. In addition, I 
> believe the first sentence quoted here could use some rewording.
> Please define "focusable property" so that it is clear what 
> is meant and make the first sentence quoted here more clear.

The 2 references to focusable property in this section have been changed
as follows:

	Advertising focusability depends on the used namespace.


	Focusability can be used to trigger additional functionality in
a user agent.

Please let us know within 2 weeks if this does not address your comment.

Scott Hayman
On behalf of the CDF WG


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Received on Tuesday, 28 February 2006 15:59:16 UTC