Re: Is XFN a Compound Document Profile?

(not speaking for the WG)

On 2/14/06, Bjoern Hoehrmann <> wrote:
> Dear Experts on Compound Document Profiles,
>   I have a little doubt, I would appreciate your help. Is the "XHTML
> Friends Network" -- -- a compound document
> profile in the sense that W3C uses this term? I'd like to update some
> conformance checkers if it's not...

I think that's essentially equivalent to asking if an XFN document is
a compound document.  Technically, I don't think it is, as our
definition says;

"The compound document is a document that combines separate component
languages either by reference or by inclusion"

... and an XFN document is an HTML document with extensions, rather
than two separate languages.  But an HTML document with, say, an
embedded(*) vCard would be a compound document because that vCard is
interpreted independently of any HTML extensibility rules.

FYI, I happened to write a blog entry about this same topic a few weeks ago;

(*) the mechanics of embedding are important too viz a viz the
semantic differences between namespace vs. media type dispatching. 
The CDI spec will hopefully talk in detail about this.


Received on Wednesday, 15 February 2006 18:05:46 UTC