Re: [CDR Framework] i18n comment: Language identification for child documents

Hi Mark, all

On Mon, 06 Feb 2006 10:02:29 +0900, Felix Sasaki <> wrote:

> Hi Mark,
> Thank you for the follow up. Sorry that I cannot give you a reply yet.  
> We have an i18n core call on Tuesday, and after that the group / I will  
> come back to you.
> Cheers,
> Felix
> On Sat, 04 Feb 2006 01:26:44 +0900, Mark Baker <> wrote:
>> Felix - the WG hasn't discussed the details of your response to our
>> message, but I think I can respond to it while staying in scope of
>> what we did decide, more or less ...
>> On 1/31/06, Felix Sasaki <> wrote:
>>> The i18n core working group still disagrees with your reply.
>>> We have a scenario in mind with an XHTML document which contains an SVG
>>> image. If it is external, the language information does not apply  
>>> anymore.
>>> Our concern is: what should happen if there is no "authoritative
>>> metadata"? We agree with the explanation you gave us, but would like to
>>> have a scenario for the case without "authoritative metadata", but with
>>> document internal data.
>> But "document internal data" can include authoritative metadata (e.g.  
>> xml:lang).
>> So if you mean a case where a document with an xml:lang CDR-references
>> a document with its own xml:lang, I think the semantics are pretty
>> clear.  But if you mean a document with an xml:lang CDR-referencing
>> another document without an xml:lang or other authoritative indication
>> of language, then I think you're left with heuristics as Bjoern
>> pointed out.
>> Cheers,
>> Mark.

The i18n core working group discussed this. We don't think that if you  
have a document with an xml:lang CDR referencing another document without  
an xml:lang or other authoritative indication of language, you would  
necessarily need heuristics. Concerning Bjoern's question on what is the  
target of this requirement, IMO (not the i18n core wg) although CDR is  
meant to be language-independent, you should state s.t. about the expected  
or (even better) desired behavior for XML based languages.


Received on Wednesday, 8 February 2006 01:59:05 UTC