LC-1776: CC/PP 2.0 : use of SEQ and BAG

Dear Ivan,

Thank you for your comment on CC/PP: Structure and vocabularies 2.0 ([1])
Your comment on the "use of SEQ and BAG" ([2]) has been referenced as 
LC-1776. Please use this reference for further discussion on this 

The WG understands that from a purely RDF perspective, the usage of 
multivalued properties and lists would be more appropriate. While one of 
the major rationale behind the development of the CC/PP 2.0 
specification is to integrate the latest version of RDF, it is not its 
only goal. In order to ensure a coherent framework and full 
compatibilities with OMA UAProf 2.0 specification ([4]), it is essential 
to have both spec. based on the same RDF version. So, given that BAG and 
SEQ are not currently deprecated, the WG is proposing to keep their 
usage in this version of the specification in order to restore the 
compatibility between CC/PP 2.0 and UAProf 2.0. Then, due to ongoing 
enhanced cooperation between OMA and W3C particularly in the Mobile Web 
Initiative, we can imagine that both spec in the future could evolve 
together to take into account the latest development of RDF.

As a result, the WG rejects this comment.

Best Regards,

On behalf of the UWA WG,
Stephane Boyera

Stephane Boyera
W3C				+33 (0) 4 92 38 78 34
BP 93				fax: +33 (0) 4 92 38 78 22
F-06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex,		

Received on Friday, 17 August 2007 08:50:28 UTC