Re: Advice on extending CanvasRenderingContext2D to support Depth Streams

Hi Rik,

> Why don't you create a new canvas context type that just defines the
> methods that you need and add it to the HTML spec [1]?
> This will be much simpler to specify and you won't have to battle
> browser vendors that will almost certainly object.
> When implementing this new context, you can likely store a hidden 2D
> context that you draw the actual pixels into so you get HW acceleration
> for free.

That's an excellent suggestion and thanks for the constructive feedback.

This has created some good discussion amongst the editors and we'll 
definitely explore this option.

We may also seek further advice from you and the public-canvas-api list 
based on all your experience with canvas contexts.


Received on Tuesday, 11 November 2014 08:13:48 UTC