Canvas 1.0

Hi Dominic,

For version of the canvas 1.0 spec. we would like to have the following in
the specification.

1. addHitRegion but only with an optional id and a fallback element to
associate the element (this will set the location).   e.g. addHitRegion
(id,control) where control would be any fallback element at this time.
2. drawFocusIfNeeded but remove the step that sets the location.

1. This would not provide actual hit testing but it would assign the
location at this time

We would need you to agree and implement this in Chrome now and we would
work to address the other additions to the addHitRegion spec. (from WhatWG)
in v2.0. We also want your feedback on the spec. changes.


Rich Schwerdtfeger

Received on Monday, 24 February 2014 23:29:22 UTC