RE: drawsystemfocusring/drawcustomfocusring


On your inserted text below, are you thinking that would be an addendum to the procedure list or replacing some text?  I'm also wondering about the idea of a "notional child" and hypothetical elements. Are you talking about the ring itself or the element that the ring is highlighting when focused? I haven't seen those phrases in documentation before.


>> Richard said:

drawSystemFocusRing() and drawCustomFocusRing() refer to a descendant of the canvas element. These descendants are each considered a notional child. Notional children are hypothetical elements that are rendered children of the canvas element and their dimensions are those of the bounding box of the specifed path.

When tabbing to a notional child, having an assigned location through the use of drawSystemFocusRing or drawCustomFocusRing, scroll the notional child into view following the steps defined by scrollPathIntoView.

When a canvas elements is scrolled as a result of being contained within an element having CSS stylle overscroll:scroll, notional children having an assigned location through the use of drawSystemFocusRing or drawCustomFocusRing, scroll the notional children bounds by the same change in position as the corresponding canvas element.



Received on Tuesday, 10 December 2013 16:41:17 UTC