Re: canvas example

On 12/23/11 6:11 PM, Jonathan Mcdougall wrote:
> That being said, trying to come up with accessibility features for
> <canvas>  does not strike me as being a priority. It is not structured
> information, it is merely a bitmap. SVG is a much better target for
> this.

Jonathan, I figure code is easier to use to explain at this point, now 
that we've got the basics down.

Here I am turning the checkbox into something that will describe that a) 
it's a checkbox, and b) whether it is checked, unchecked or mixed.

There are some other tweaks to be had, but that shows the magic pretty well.
It took me 30 minutes to clone, boot up and edit the project to support 
accessible checkbox. There are additional subtleties to add, and when we 
see vendor support of drawFocusRing they'll be easy to do.

I only altered the first example -- you can go ahead an open inspector 
and see the setAttribute firing on the checkbox element when you toggle 
it on and off.

That kind of information makes all the difference. There are other WCAG 
issues, but that's the biggest one and it's easy to fix.


Received on Saturday, 24 December 2011 04:03:32 UTC