minutes: Canvas Subteam Call 2011-01-24 [draft]


minutes from the abbreviated 2011-01-24 Canvas Accessibility Subteam
teleconference are available as hypertext at:


as an IRC log at:


and as plain text following this announcement -- please log any 
corrections, clarifications, mis-attributions, and the like by 
replying-to this announcement on-list

please mark your calendars: the next Canvas Subteam meeting is 
monday, 31 January 2011 at 2000h UTC -- details for the call are
always available via the subteam's meetings and minutes wiki pages:



                               - DRAFT -

             HTML Accessibility Task Force Teleconference

24 Jan 2011


   See also: IRC log -- http://www.w3.org/2011/01/24-html-a11y-irc


          Charles_Pritchard, Gregory_Rosmaita, Rich





     * Topics
         1. Catching Up
         2. ARIA Valid in Canvas Subtree
         3. Positioning Information
     * Summary of Action Items

   <trackbot> Date: 24 January 2011

   <scribe> scribe: Gregory_Rosmaita

   <scribe> scribenick: oedipus

   <richardschwerdtfe> meeting: W3C HTML Canvas Accessibility Subteam


Catching Up

   RS: waiting for FrankO and DavidB
   ... in IE9 implementation of FocusRing include any other parameters
   other than element?

   CP: pretty sure use current existing implementation instead of a new
   one -- doesn't help magnifiers much, i think
   ... at least have shadow DOM in IE9 even though magnification stuck
   at the moment
   ... received email from dominique and davidB
   ... interesting post by TV Raman
   ... interested in work -- more focused on audio interfaces

   latest draft HTML_Canvas_Element.html:

   latest draft of HTML_Canvas_2DContext101711.html

   latest draft of CanvasEditor.html

   <Downchuck> I pushed a new draft, didn't make it onto one of the
   lists; editing setCaretSelectionRect to remove "text" references


   <Downchuck> They were intended as author instructions; not
   implementer guidelines. They were controversial and necessary.

   <Downchuck> Sometimes I join via iPhone, and it's helpful to have
   the agenda about 10 minutes before the meeting, to get the phone

   RS: pinged Frank directly but only got voice mail
   ... don't know hiow much we can get done without quorum

ARIA Valid in Canvas Subtree

   RS: didn't see any objections

   CP: me neither

   RS: caret tracking -- contacted zoomtext people and pointed them to
   CP's page -- asked if can track caret in IE9 (use DirectDraw without
   caret tracking) -- can they track or not?

   <Downchuck> Hi David

   CP: using graphics buffer

   RS: right
   ... don't know if access graphics buffer or if cache

   <davidb> hi Downchuck

   CP: thought reading from graphics buffer to monitor changes

   RS: David telloing me can't be useful until mid-February

   CP: consensus on drawFocusRing and shasow CANVAS DOM
   ... caret slection -- 2 windows calls
   ... on implementations that support shadow DOM really minimal work
   in coding
   ... WebKit has serious work to do if not supporting shadow DOM --
   believe FF working on it, too
   ... work now is to get acceptance for validity of method

   RS: tweaks to drawFocusRing?
   ... or caret tracking?

   CP: change textSelection to just "selection" -- ARIA simimlar --
   works without pushing text editing -- items about text for author to
   figure out and document
   ... rectangle should be passed over to a11y API and then done
   ... creating group consensus on selectRectangle -- if can reach
   agreement on methodName can break through this impasse

Positioning Information

   RS: virtual mapping or buffer for positioning in markup?

   CP: exploring that -- initially focused on DrawFocus rectangle
   ... this is the x,y you shold be focused on is insufficient -- need
   scale -- wide or narrow -- when used in conjunction with
   drawFocusRing, magnifiers can do a LOT more
   ... beyond that, exploring scrolling
   ... magnifier scrolls across screen, but certain UI elements have
   content -- addressed in input type="text" element -- can seet
   ScrollLeftValue and show and scroll that text programmatically
   ... AISquared brought up issues with clipping and scrolling text
   ... not currently using ScrollLeft, ScrollTop, etc.
   ... raised displays on magnifier is current focus of brainstorming
   once magnificati0on centered
   ... how can scolling parameters be passed into canvas and project
   good magnification with crisp and clear depth

   <Downchuck> thanks for the minutes; well done

   RS: going to review WebKit code
   ... focus in caret tracking and WebKit

   CP: current issue: non-interactive elements such as text span aren't
   assigned as focusable in shadow DOM
   ... trying to find out where is breakdown -- if can get focus on
   elements, have reasonable success rate
   ... take handler and start working with it, but haven 't gotten to
   first step "this is focusable" -- bit parameter? (easy approach?) --
   trying to get feedback on this
   ... windows should be easy to support; haven 't looked at OSX or
   linux APIs yet

   RS: dominic sent me a WebKit link

   CP: submitted patch based on feedback -- live process

   RS: CP please send me the changes

   CP: will send something on the baseline

   CP: need shadow DOM and focusable shadow DOM in WebKit
   ... been dialoguing with chromium devs
   ... went directly to chromium dev list -- cross referenced bugs with
   our issues -- trying to get support in chromium dev community so can
   get attention
   ... re Microsoft, have interoperability subgroup -- might be
   interest there, as well
   ... work on trying to make MS products work with non-MS tech like
   ... purpose is to map a11y APIs that already exist -- that is
   interoperability -- lateral connections sometimes best

   RS: need to get done by 21 february 2011

   <Downchuck> davidb: thanks for popping in.


Summary of Action Items

   [End of minutes]

Received on Monday, 24 January 2011 20:49:04 UTC