Re: feedback requested: Canvas change for improved hit testing that also facilitates accessibility


We'll have to see these methods adopted by vendors before we can say 
that accessibility has been solved --
and even then -- we'll have to see them in use, with ARIA, to verify whether
the vocabulary we have is sufficient.

Many people on this list, and many developers have an interest in solving
the accessibility issue. I have every reason to believe it can and will 
be solved,
at least for the Canvas 2d context, in the near future.

I do suspect there will be a need for additional semantics in WAI-ARIA,
as ARIA was created to enhance HTML 4.0, and has not yet been revised
to accommodate the vast new feature set of HTML5.

Richard and I have opened up many defects (bug reports) at the w3c 
relating to canvas
accessibility. There are some differences of opinion about their relevance:
I hope to see those resolved. Currently, the WHATWG HTML spec and the W3C
HTML5 specs have forked, on issues of accessibility... That issue (of 
differing specs) is going to remain
for some time.


On 6/23/2011 12:52 PM, paniz alipour wrote:
> Hello,
> Finally we can say that accessibility problem of canvas is completely 
> has been solved?
> Thanks
> On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 11:40 PM, Richard Schwerdtfeger 
> < <>> wrote:
>     We need to able to bind a path to hit testing functionality. It is
>     not enough just to be able to define and save a path. Clearly,
>     people are wanting hit testing support.

Received on Thursday, 23 June 2011 21:26:30 UTC