Re: Fw: Action 92: Accessible Rich Text editing for <canvas> proposed alternative to native contenteditable APIs

On Sat, Dec 11, 2010 at 10:06 PM, Charles Pritchard <> wrote:
> aria-selected seems to work for caret position, and aria-describedby to
> reference path data.
> I don't understand what you mean about "[not] impacting contenteditable
> sections".
> Let me know if these are an appropriate use of ARIA:
> <canvas>
> <rect id="caretRect">...</rect>
> <div contenteditable aria-multiselectable>
> <mark aria-selected>selected tex<mark aria-selected
> aria-describedby="caretRect">t</mark></mark>
> </div>
> </canvas>

   * The meaning of "aria-selected" is undefined when used on elements
without role "gridcell", "option", "row", or "tab".

   * What allows a "rect" element as a direct child of "canvas"? Don't
you need an "svg" element in between?

   * What is the text of the "rect", that it would provide "additional
detail that some users might need" for the inner mark?

   * What's the utility of using "mark" and "rect" here rather than
just manipulating the canvas rendering and the DOM selection API in
sync? How would "mark" and "rect" interact with the native
contenteditable selection? What would CSS ::selected and
window.getSelection() apply to?

> <canvas>
> <label id="lbl">example entry</label>
> <input id="entry" aria-selected tabindex=".." type="text"
> aria-labelledby="lbl" aria-describedby="focusPath">
> <path id="focusPath">...</path>
> <img aria-describedby="entry" src="poster.png" alt="static fallback">
> </canvas>

    * Again, I think you're missing an "svg" element.

    * Again, the meaning of "aria-selected" is undefined when used on
elements without role "gridcell", "option", "row", or "tab".

    * "aria-labelledby" would be redundant if you used the normal
"for" attribute.

    * What is the text of "path" that would provide "additional detail
that some users might need" for the "input"?

    * Can you explain what this markup is supposed to mean? It seems
to be a text input followed by an image with some alternate text.
What's the path doing there? Why is the path describing a text input?

Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis

Received on Sunday, 12 December 2010 12:51:01 UTC