Re: [bug-triage] Accessibility bugs requiring your attention

Hi Martin,

Thanks for finding this. I updated the defect. I believe this to be fully
resolved and fixed. It is implemented in IE9. I provided clarification and
the canvas accessibility subteam has separated out specific defects related
to caret, selection, and focus ring tracking.

Interestingly we tested screen reading support with IE 9 of two canvas
drawn checkboxes and with a minor ARIA enhancement to the code sample are
being read by JAWS 12.The ARIA enhancement will not be required after
Freedom Scientific fixes the bug I have logged.


Rich Schwerdtfeger
CTO Accessibility Software Group

From:	Martin Kliehm <>
To:	Richard Schwerdtfeger/Austin/IBM@IBMUS
Date:	12/02/2010 06:25 AM
Subject:	[bug-triage] Accessibility bugs requiring your attention

Hi Rich,

sifting through bugs tagged with a11yTF I found #10964 where there has
been some discussion, but not recently. Since I don't know if it's on
your radar I just wanted to inform you that we found this bug being idle
for a while and that it needs the attention of the canvas sub-team.


Received on Thursday, 2 December 2010 14:46:10 UTC