Agenda: November 15: Canvas Accessibility Working Group

I hope you all can come. I am starting up the canvas API discussion again.

Agenda: November 15, 2010 WAI PF ARIA Caucus
Time of meeting is 3:00PM EST, 20:00 UTC, duration is 1 hour
Zakim Bridge +1.617.761.6200, conference 2119 ("A11Y")

IRC: server:, port: 6665, channel: #html-a11y.

- TPAC Discussion Summary
- Do the defects we have logged suffice?
- Next Steps - Changes to Canvas 2D API context (review attached with
latest updates sent to James Graham based on latest spec. draft)
- Implementation of Canvas 2D API context changes for non Rich Text Editing
  - Steps to assess what HTML elements are allowable in the shadow DOM
  - Work effort to decide what is allowable in Canvas Shadow DOM (Canvas
  - What are the next steps to address Rich Text Editing in HTML 5?
     - Need to be able to get and set selections to/from contenteditable
areas and input controls
     - need to be able to get and set caret position in these areas
     - Need to be able to ensure text content wrapping in non-visible
shadow DOM
     - Need to be able to acquire grammar and spell checking errors in
content editable areas (these would be ranges)
     - Need a common API for these across browsers
        - Browser API Comparisons for Caret Tracking and Content Selection:
        - Getting the selection object:
        - sel = window.getSelection() //sel is a Selection object
        - rangex = sel(0);
        - rangex.collapsed(); //If it is collapsed it is a  caret
        - reangex.collapse();
     - Need to develop examples

Reference: revisions to 2D Context API - modifications
(See attached file: HTML Canvas 2D Context.html)

Reference - Current list of Defects logged:

Rich Schwerdtfeger
CTO Accessibility Software Group

Received on Friday, 12 November 2010 23:26:24 UTC