Re: Please vote on the canvas accessibility proposal

Charles McCathieNevile, Mon, 01 Mar 2010 01:52:36 +0100:
> (This works fine in Opera and Firefox, but Safari shows the HTML 
> content since apparently it can't handle a JPG object?)

I believe  Webkit simply can't handle <a> with @coords. And it also 
works badly with <object> image maps - does it work with them at all? 
(Webkit is all too often a show stopper, in HTML5 and elsewhere ... 
iCab used to support object image maps, but not since it switched to 
> Oddly enough, neither Firefox nor Safari (I am testing on a Macintosh 
> today) manage to handle a mixture of block content and area elements 
> - they seem to have missed the HTML 4.01 upgrade that allows this - 
> although it dates from december 1999, so is far older than either 
> browser.

Would be interesting with test examples ... The example you had in your 
e-mail worked in Firefox. (However, that example  used <a coords> and 
not <area coords>.)

My "selfish" hope is that "the vendors" prefer to implement <canvas> 
accessibility via image maps rather than adom, as this could also bring 
about full support for HTML401 image maps in general ... As long as 
Firefox and Object support it, then there is enough vendor support, 
according to the rules we work under. 

For the record, even IE, from IE6 to IE8, works with OBJECT image maps, 
as long as  the <map> is not the child of the <object>:

As a workaround, one can use conditional comments to make IE think that 
the object ends before it really ends. 
leif halvard silli

Received on Monday, 1 March 2010 06:38:55 UTC