adom proposal


I would like to take my adom proposal change to canvas to vote. Do you
support it? I have a due date of February 25. I need to get the last draft
in spec. ready format for the weekend and after the last meeting we appear
to have consensus barring some word smithing. We still have  a dependency
on Steve to address action item 19 regarding the caret.

Janina wants to do a straw poll early next week as there is a Feb. 25 due
date for this. It would seem that the Opera example would be an excellent
best practice for some content. We would simply set adom to true when
canvas is supported. The author needs to ensure visual focus is drawn on
the canvas.


Rich Schwerdtfeger
Distinguished Engineer, SWG Accessibility Architect/Strategist

Received on Thursday, 18 February 2010 19:21:51 UTC