Re: Relationship with HTML 5

For all practical purposes, they are the same.

HTML 5, currently, only defines the 2D Canvas Context.
At some point in the future, additional Context APIs may be standardized.

There is growing support for the WebGL context, for instance.

On 5/5/2010 1:07 AM, Saurabh Jain wrote:
> Hi,
> Please let me know a detailed relationship with HTML 5 specification. 
> Will Canvas in HTML 5 be replaced by the Canvas in this specification? 
> Is this separate specification having some extra APIs then HTML 5 Canvas?
> -- 
> Saurabh Jain
> Director
> SKJ Technologies Private Limited
> Author : Mobile Phone Programming using Java ME (J2ME)

Received on Wednesday, 5 May 2010 08:10:11 UTC