Re: HTML Canvas 2D Context API change proposal for magnifier focus and caret tracking

We have a tentative plan to wrap up the Canvas 2D Context API mapping
document changes in the canvas accessibility working group:

Review and complete final edits by May 24 and take to HTML accessibility
task force straw poll May 24
Have the HTML Accessibility task force review the poll on the May 27 call.
Deliver the final change proposal to the HTML working group on June 3.

Any objections to this schedule must be provided by May 13. I made some
editorial changes to the proposal today. I have had feedback from Mozilla
(and would welcome more) but I need feedback from Apple and Microsoft. The
minutes for the last canvas accessibility meeting (May 3) are below.

As it sets we can cover accessibility API mappings for both IE and FF on
Windows. I am waiting to hear back from Maciej.

(See attached file: 2dcontext10-May-04.html)

I suppl

Rich Schwerdtfeger
CTO Accessibility Software Group

             Michael Cooper                                                
             Sent by:                                                   To 
             public-canvas-api         Canvas API                          
              <>, HTML    
                                       Accessibility Task Force            
             05/03/2010 02:33                                           cc 
                                       Minutes Canvas API 3 May 2010       

Minutes of the 3 May 2010 Canvas sub-group are posted to and copied below.
HTML Accessibility Task Force Teleconference
03 May 2010


See also: IRC log

      Rich_Schwerdtfeger, Michael_Cooper, David_Bolter
         1.	Canvas API proposal for focus and caret tracking
      Summary of Action Items


Canvas API proposal for focus and caret tracking

rs: think that API should be easy to use

db: yes

magnifiers should be able to track

rs: any other issues with proposal?

db: not sure

hoped for input from others

context for interpreting doc?

rs: Mac platform doesn't have a caret

so drawFocusRing allows to locate focus

also have a blink rate adjustment

the entre focus and caret selection management section is redone

<reads from proposal>

<davidb> rich you have "within the user agent within the user agent"

<davidb> do we need this line "This method only draws the focus ring if the
element is focused or is a descendant of the element with focus, so that it
can simply be called whenever drawing the element, without checking whether
the element is focused or not first"?

<davidb> yeah this needs edits "If the drawCustomRing argument is true,

requirements allowing AT to have their needs met

and accommodating varying caret handling

db: sounds like a good 100% solution; worried about it a bit

rs: at least we allow author to do this, even though they might not

db: prefer to give author a solution they will use

rs: yeah; looked at an alternative but we all knew authors wouldn't do it

db: this section is looking clearer to me now

need to get everybody to read it and then discuss

rs: difficult to set a date for delivery because people aren't responding
to requests for review

think we could wrap this up in two weeks if people participate

need to discourage people from doing text editing n canvas

mc: think we need to set a date that is serious

and convey to everyone that the window closes after that date, task force
must submit something on that date

there would be opportunity for further work afterwards, but it would be a
different aspect of the process

rs: <thinking through steps, edits to make, review cycles

let's plan to wrap this up by 24 May internally

take to poll for 27 May

<davidb> sounds good

deliver to HTML for 3 June

mc: suggest we send this proposed schedule to the canvas group

ask for objections before 13 May

after that, the dates are set

we'll all need to convey the importance of sticking to this schedule

rs: run by Alex Surkov?

<davidb> sure

db: would have a lot of questions...

rs: will copy him in

will make editorial tweaks

and send this around

Summary of Action Items
[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.135 (CVS log)
$Date: 2010/05/03 19:31:20 $


Michael Cooper
Web Accessibility Specialist
World Wide Web Consortium, Web Accessibility Initiative
Information Page

Received on Tuesday, 4 May 2010 21:45:35 UTC