Clarification on non-interactive, static, visual media

I would like to get clarification on the following passage [1]:

"In non-interactive, static, visual media, if the canvas element has been previously painted on (e.g. if the page was viewed in an interactive visual medium and is now being printed, or if some script that ran during the page layout process painted on the element), then the canvas element represents embedded content with the current image and size. Otherwise, the element represents its fallback content instead."

I interpret this to mean, in a non-interactive, static, visual media, where the canvas element has not been previously painted on, you will see the fallback content. An example of this scenario would be printing a webpage where nothing has been drawn on the canvas. What are the other scenarios?

I have tried printing a webpage containing the following code, but I did not see the fallback content on Chrome, Safari, Opera, or Firefox browsers.

0 <html>
1 <head>
2 </head>

3 <body> 
4 <canvas>This is the fallback</canvas>

5 </body>
6 </html>



Jatinder Mann | Internet Explorer Program Manager 

Received on Tuesday, 27 April 2010 20:21:43 UTC