Minutes: Canvas Accessibility Call August 28, 2009


Canvas accessibility
28 Aug 2009

See also: IRC log

      Rich_Schwerdtfeger, Cooper, Frank_Olivier, kliehm, Stevef
      Summary of Action Items

<scribe> chair: Rich



<scribe> Agenda:

1. Prototype: Doug Schepers

2. Rich Text API support

3. Equivalent Alternatives (how and when to render)

4. Maciej prototype on HTML table equivalent - September 4

5. Coodinating Shadow DOM for canvas.

6. Other discussion points.

<.scribe> scribe: Rich

Rich: we need a solution for rich text

Frank: We need an alternative for some conetnt
... The alternative representation will not fly

Rich: Are you saying an equivalent alternative won't work in all situations

Frank: I think it will work in some cases like the HTML table. But I don't
think it will fly
... UIA would synch up quite nicely

Rich: I think we need alternatives for some content to not make the author
jump through hoops..

Frank: we are overloading a bit the DOM elements
... The browse does not support the video tag ...
... My concern about the shadow DOM is that it needs to be spec'd out in
... I am concerned about the time and complexity

Rich: I was thinking about not overloading the content and providing meta
data that pointed to alternative resources like in a mashup
... I think defining meta data properties that point to alternative
resources would be valuable.

Frank: There are aspects of the video that need to be provided that
determine the video to be played. In particular language specification .
... Various platforms and browsers support various capabilities

Rich: the shadow DOM represents the document structure with a tabindex.
They don't have to know a new API for the DOM
... thinking about calling back to the script method.

Frank: ATVs have asked to have more control over the pluming to be able to
manipulate or act on the elements
... We would like to add more control over the elements through interfaces
... If you handle the full DOM you can make that parsing easier.
... can provide a list of actions or handlers associated with elements

Stevef: The problem I have with the developer side is doing a lot of work
to make something accessible

<scribe> ACTION: Frank investigate call back to javascript methods from
accessibility apis in browsers [recorded in

<scribe> ACTION: Rich: investigate callback with David Bolter of Mozilla
[recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/08/28-html-a11y-minutes.html#action02]

Steve: would want a live area on canvas

<Stevef> http://people.mozilla.com/~jdicarlo/piemenus.html

Steve: how does a user tab into the canvas?

Rich: place a tabindex on the element

Steve: We need to provide clear visible focus
... if we have a menu inside the canvas you need to be able to tab and
arrow key through it

Rich: Summary:

Frank to investigate COM binding to JavaScript in IE and Rich to discuss
the same with david Bolter

Rich to discuss the same with Maciej and David Bolter for Safari and
Firefox respectively

Summary of Action Items
[NEW] ACTION: Frank investigate call back to javascript methods from
accessibility apis in browsers [recorded in
[NEW] ACTION: Rich: investigate callback with David Bolter of Mozilla
[recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/08/28-html-a11y-minutes.html#action02]

[End of minutes]

Rich Schwerdtfeger
Distinguished Engineer, SWG Accessibility Architect/Strategist

Received on Friday, 28 August 2009 18:53:58 UTC