Re: updated slides for web of things framework

Hi dave,

You may know it, but we show the possibility that web browsers are incorporated in any things on last monday's demo. It is the concept that can be called as "Web browsers of Things" or "Pervasive Browsers". Seeing from this point of view, we have some comments for your slide.

>From Pages to Things
>Thing Description Language (TDL)
>* Semantics and data formats as basis for interoperability
>* Relationships to other things as basis for discovery

TDL will not necessarily have to be different from HTML.
"HTML for pages and for discovery AND for Things" can be considered.

And we cannot think about today's web page in defiance of WebApps.
In other words, we point out that logics by javascript are useful for interpretation of such a semantics.

>Web of Things Framework
>Bindings to a range of protocols

Not only the protocols but also the HTML should be considered as the binding by the comment mentioned above.

Furthermore, Forms etc. of the HTML can be bound to things.

The CG related to "Web browsers of Things" in the W3C is here.

I can introduce many documents to you if you have further interests.


Satoru Takagi

> Following the break out session on Tuesday afternoon I have updated the slides I showed on Monday
> <>
> The changes clarify the role of gateways as IoT device abstraction layers. I've added thingsonomies, data blobs e.g. for photos with an associated content type, and introduced the idea of events that signal changes to thing metadata, along with thing memories.
> My thanks to all those who participated in the session.
> —
>    Dave Raggett < <>>

Received on Wednesday, 22 April 2015 08:26:48 UTC