BrowserExt CG March meeting

Hi all,

We will be holding a 1 hour teleconf:
15 Feb @  5:30pm…Seattle/Portland
15 Feb @  8:30pm…New York
16 Feb @  6:00am…India
16 Feb @ 09:30am…Japan

The summary of the previous meeting is here:

The call is open to all members of the CG. Please see this mail on the private list for instructions on how to join:

== Agenda ==
* Issues

* Review spec changes to WebDriver  and Manifest sections per feedback

* Discussion about random IDs

* Demo of browser.runtime API test extension with testharness.js (!!!!)

* Discussion about organization of tests
  - Main
  - Mike's fork

* Discussion about WebDriver test

This meeting will be minuted, and the minutes will be posted to this mailing list. Any decision taken during the meeting will be provisional, and any member of the CG will have 10 days (from the publication of the minutes) to express dissenting opinions. This is to make sure that decisions reflect the consensus of the whole group, and not merely of those who could attend the call.

For more information on the communication and decision policy of the group, please refer to the charter:

Best regards,
Florian Rivoal

Received on Wednesday, 22 March 2017 09:28:35 UTC