Need to estimate date for when we can take core WebDriver (v2) spec to CR

For the WG charter, we need to choose a YYYY Q[1–4] “Expected completion” date
for when we think we can transition the current core WebDriver (v2) spec to CR.


Yeah, it’s a bit odd to use the label “Expected completion” for the date when
we think we’ll _enter_ CR — but that’s the charter-boilerplate label expected
for this. And it’s because in the charter we say:

> The Working Group intends to publish the latest state of their work as
> Candidate Recommendation and does not intend to advance their documents to
> Recommendation (no explicit milestones). The Group expects to continuously
> update the Candidate Recommendation once it reaches that stage

…so in other words, CR for us will be a _terminal_ status for the spec.

And thus the only date we need to try to estimate is a YYYY Q[1–4] date when we
think we can first transition the spec to CR — e.g., a date 6 months from now,
or a year from now, or whatever seems most accurate to the editors and group.


Michael[tm] Smith

Received on Monday, 25 March 2024 08:55:38 UTC