Re: Interested in writing up an initial design for bidirectional WebDriver protocol

Hi Brandon!

Also sprach Brandon Walderman:

> I should have some spare cycles in the near future, and I'd like
> to take a stab at an initial design for the bidirectional WebDriver
> protocol. The purpose would be to get the ball rolling and get some
> early feedback on one possible approach. Would anyone mind if I go
> ahead with this? It would be in the form of an explainer written
> in markdown or google doc for now and I'd share it out as soon as
> it's ready to look at. The idea is not to write a spec draft yet
> but to put some thoughts on paper and see what others think. How
> does that sound?

I took on an action item from the WG to draft an initial specification
document.  I will likely start that work mid-December.

I would love for you to organise your thoughts on the initial design
so that we can collaborate on a bi-di protocol that is implementable
in all the major web browser engines.

My current thinking is if we put our heads together we will likely
have something to present to the WG in a face-to-face meeting early
next year.  If someone would like to offer hosting this meeting,
I’m sure David would be delighted.

 Best, Andreas

Received on Thursday, 24 October 2019 14:44:06 UTC