On Tue, Nov 22, 2016 at 8:15 PM, Andreas Tolfsen <ato@mozilla.com> wrote:
> Marc Fisher <fisherii@google.com> writes:
> > > This could be implemented as a POST to /session/{session
> > > id}/window/new as POST /session/{session id}/window is occupied by
> > > Switch To Window, or we could switch them around. It would return
> > > the window handle of the new window, and would be guaranteed
> > > blocking, unlike other techniques mentioned above.
> >
> > Or POST /session/{session id}/window without a window handle/name
> > could create a new window.
> Yes, that is better.
I don't think it's a great idea to add this command, but….
I hear Andreas's original comments, and understand where he's coming from,
but for the last 10 years both Selenium Core and WebDriver managed to meet
testing needs without it. So, it's not a hard requirement for the "testers"
audience. So it feels that this is primarily aimed at browser vendors or
spec authors. If they need this method for some reason, we should probably
add it.
If we do add it, Marc's suggestion seems sensible to me.