+1 to having implicit waits. There are about 7 PHP drivers and a billion JS
drivers which might be using this and it's not going to be easy updating
Looking at FirefoxDriver, and going on what Jim said, we have 2 drivers
that don't wait for interactable from the Selenium project. With this in
mind, I vote +1 on keeping Selenium's existing behaviour for the majority
of drivers which is to *NOT* wait for interactability.
On 29 October 2016 at 16:02, Andreas Tolfsen <ato@mozilla.com> wrote:
> Simon Stewart <simon.m.stewart@gmail.com> writes:
> > […] and +1 for retaining selenium's existing behaviour of using the
> > same time out for waiting for interactability for "do what I mean"
> > interaction commands.
> For clarity, as Jim pointed out, not all Selenium implementations do
> this.