from October to December 2015 by subject

[Bug 20860] WebDriver Level 1

[Bug 22653] Container visibility when children are visible, but parent is hidden

[Bug 23868] [WebDriver Spec]: incorrect use of Move Target out of Bounds error

[Bug 24818] Section 14.3.2 (High-level Touch) is not necessary

[Bug 24828] 11.2.1 executeScript does not specify how to handle invalid return types

[Bug 24932] The style of Section 4.1 is widely different than the style for the other sections describing commands

[Bug 24976] Section 2.6.1 states that every request and response should have a Json payload; is that what we want?

[Bug 24981] Strange behavior of the algorithm in getElementAttribute section

[Bug 25100] [WebDriver Spec]: Change suggestion: include timeout parameter with executeAsyncScript

[Bug 25106] Specific Response type when modal dialog is opened on page load command

[Bug 25164] It's not clear what should be considered an object for the purpose of returning a property

[Bug 25306] [WebDriver Spec]:unicode whitespace character class are seen in the current webdriver spec

[Bug 25317] Touch gestures API marks some high-level methods as low level one

[Bug 25318] It's not clear why wait is nullable and optional

[Bug 25680] Don't tell what User Agent MUST do

[Bug 25691] WebIDL operations for sending a sequence of MouseAction/TouchAction/MultiAction is not defined

[Bug 26137] [WebDriver Spec]: Algorithm for serializing a result is broken

[Bug 26284] Define frame in section 6.1

[Bug 26285] Add a note about that you can use extension mechanisms to add location strategies

[Bug 26296] Fix description of "invalid element state" error

[Bug 26485] getWindowHandle does not define which context to operate on

[Bug 26900] [WebDriver Spec]: Timeout persistence is undefined

[Bug 27136] [WebDriver Spec]: URL Path prefix needs to be defined

[Bug 27658] Create algorithm for "for element that;s bigger then the viewport. we scroll to 0,0 of that element. If the element can not be fully scrolled take a screenshot of the element that is in the viewport" for takesElementScreenshot

[Bug 27663] specify that interpretation of required capabilities depends on the capability itself; whether it's met or not. Language for that each one is special cased. What it means to fulfil a capability is defined by that capability itself

[Bug 27665] define input devices capabilities

[Bug 27666] define unsupported input sources should throw unexpected parameter status

[Bug 27667] remove prose on required input sources. Should not mandate anything

[Bug 27671] return list of input sources in session capabilities.

[Bug 27733] [WebDriver Spec]: attr.specified shouldn't be checked by getElementAttribute

[Bug 28002] Define maximum number of allowed sessions to facilitate intermediary nodes

[Bug 28194] Section 8.2.2 ECMAScript should be removed

[Bug 28584] [WebDriver Spec]: Allow to select / delete cookies not associated with the active document address

[Bug 28746] Not sure how we get CSS pixels for the browser chrome here

[Bug 28754] In section 11, it is not clear when to return no such element error

[Bug 28755] Typo or copy/paste issue with the note regarding properties and attributes

[Bug 28761] window.prompt dismiss should behave as if cancel were clicked, not accept

[Bug 28968] Add algorithm for handling the "unexpected modal dialog" to "Processing model" section

[Bug 29070] URL Consistency (section 3.6): Rename 'sendKeys' end point to 'sendkeys'

[Bug 29157] Need a /status end point for wire protocol

[Bug 29168] New: Does it make sense to require the use of "unknown error"?

[Bug 29202] Click, Tap, Clear, and sendKeys are in consistent in the spec

[Bug 29202] New: Click, Tap, Clear, and sendKeys are in consistent in the spec

[Bug 29203] New: The list of endpoints is incomplete

[Bug 29203] The list of endpoints is incomplete

[Bug 29204] New: Not sure what it means to emulate the sendKeys natively

[Bug 29218] New: Order of error checks in spec incompatible with proxy implementations

[Bug 29219] Confusing section on getting cookies.

[Bug 29219] New: Confusing section on getting cookies.

[Bug 29247] New: [WebDriver Spec]: Add support for interacting with text nodes

[Bug 29278] New: [WebDriver Spec]: Get Title

[Bug 29300] Edge browser throws not implemented exception with special character in Selenium Grid

[Bug 29300] New: Edge browser throws not implemented exception with special character in Selenium Grid

[Bug 29316] clicking 'back' when an an iframe should not navigate the top-level browsing context

[Bug 29316] New: clicking 'back' when an an iframe should not navigate the top-level browsing context

[Bug 29321] New: Recursive link

[Bug 29321] Recursive link

[Bug 29324] New: Return set size from set window size.

Agenda for the Browser Testing & Tools WG meeting

Have you read the Spec lately? Also Agenda page has been created if you want to discuss things

IRC logs for TPAC

Pull Request for Interactions is up!

Last message date: Wednesday, 9 December 2015 17:16:54 UTC