Re: The Mobile Web Best Practices Working Group is closed

<aol>me too</aol>

Sent from my iPhone

On 7 Jan 2011, at 18:33, Jo Rabin <> wrote:

> On behalf of the group to reiterate our thanks to you Francois. Your medals are in the post.
> Jo
> On 7 Jan 2011, at 18:04, Francois Daoust wrote:
>> Dear participants of the Mobile Web Best Practices Working Group,
>> That's it, you're not participants of the Mobile Web Best Practices Working Group anymore!
>> The group is officially closed.
>> I have updated the group's pages accordingly.
>> Here is the status of our different mailing-lists:
>> - this mailing-list remains open to discuss possible errata that may arise here and then.
>> - the mailing-list remains to collect public comments on our specifications.
>> - the mailing-list remains open to collect bugs on the mobileOK Checker java library.
>> - the mailing-list remains open to collect implementation reports for the Guidelines for Web Content Transformation Proxies WG Note.
>> - the mailing-list is about to be closed.
>> - the mailing-list is about to be closed.
>> (- other task force mailing-lists have been closed for a long time)
>> It's been a pleasure to serve as staff contact for this group, thanks!
>> Francois

Received on Friday, 7 January 2011 18:50:45 UTC