Mobile Web book in French: thank you note

Dear participants of the Mobile Web Best Practices working group,

Dom and I have been busy over the past few months writing a book in French on mobile Web development. The book is out [1] and comes with the "great" title: "Relever le défi du Web mobile" ("Taking up the mobile Web challenge" in English). If you ever wanted to practice your French by reading a book, well, there are probably better books for that, but that's your call ;)

More seriously, we'd like to deeply thank all the participants of the group, the chairs and the editors of the best practices specifications for the inspiration: the book obviously borrowed from the standards and we've been more than likely influenced (and proud to have been) by the discussions we had over the last few years within the group.



Received on Thursday, 6 January 2011 11:18:07 UTC