Re: MWABP: Inform user about automatic use of network and provide control

On Jun 28, 2010, at 9:56 AM, Francois Daoust wrote:

> We've talked about best practices 5 and 6 last week:
> - Inform the User About Automatic Network Access:
> - Provide Sufficient Means to Control Automatic Network Access
> As a reminder, we resolved last week to remove these best practices — actually to demote them to strong advisory notes — from the specification and re-publish the resulting document in last call, unless we manage to find implementation by tomorrow.

I've had a short email conversation  with Adam on this set of issues
and agree with him "about these becoming advisory/appendix materials"

I agree w François that
these are better placed as "strong advisory notes"...
the obvious implementations of this which I have found
are actually in Web-focused apps 
and are about sending personal data
rather than in browser-based settings 
which are doing generic network access


The spirit of democracy cannot be imposed from without. 
It has to come from within.
- Mohandas Gandhi -

Prof. Jeff Sonstein

Received on Monday, 28 June 2010 14:10:10 UTC