- From: Jo Rabin <jo@linguafranca.org>
- Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2010 13:27:58 +0000
- To: Public BPWG <public-bpwg@w3.org>
Hello Everyone The moment you have all been waiting for has arrived. Be that as it may, a new draft is available [1] reflecting the resolutions taken at the F2F in December [2]. Notes on the changes follow below, diffs from earlier versions included in the document. Jo [1] http://www.w3.org/2005/MWI/BPWG/Group/TaskForces/CT/editors-drafts/Guidelines/100125.html [2] http://www.w3.org/2009/12/10-bpwg-minutes.html RESOLUTION: add a comment to sect 2.2 stating that these are generic concepts which we choose not to formalise further (done) RESOLUTION: Have the document make explicit, if it does not do so sufficiently already, that moral and legal questions are out of scope and that this group does not have the authority or expertise to comment one way or another about setting precedent or authorising any specific behavior or its absence - nor is such a task feasible in this group. Added a paragraph under 1.3 Scope Moral, legal and other similar questions are not in scope of this document. The BPWG does not have authority or expertise to comment one way or another about setting precedent or authorising any particular behavior or its absence. RESOLUTION: Editor to add further text to scope section along lines of his earlier minuted statement and Eduardo's recapitulation of it above Added a paragraph under 1.1 Purpose It is stressed that this document is unlikely to be the last word on this topic. As noted below (1.3 Scope) it is out of scope to provide a thoroughgoing solution to control of transforming proxies, though that would appear to be needed. It is an attempt to improve a situation at a point in time where there appears to be disregard of the provisions of HTTP - and is primarily a reminder and an encouragement to follow those provisions more closely. RESOLUTION: While complying with sects 4.1.5 and 4.2.6 proxies should avoid making repeated requests for the same resource. RESOLUTION: In addition to above add a note to stating that while HTTP does not prohibit repetition of GET requests servers find this troublesome and so it should be avoided RESOLUTION: Rephrase previous resolution (In addition to above add a note to stating that while HTTP does not prohibit repetition of GET requests servers find this troublesome and so it should be avoided) to talk about places an unnecessary load on the network and server and not 'troublesome'. replaced current - "The theoretical idempotency of GET requests is not always respected by servers. In order, as far as possible, to avoid misoperation of such content, proxies should avoid issuing duplicate requests and specifically should not issue duplicate requests for comparison purposes." with While complying with this section 4.1.5 Alteration of HTTP Header Field Values and 4.2.6 Receipt of Vary HTTP Header Field proxies should avoid making repeated requests for the same resource. Note: While HTTP does not prohibit repetition of GET requests, repeated requests place an unnecessary load on the network and server. RESOLUTION: Remove scoping statements from 4.1.1 and 4.2.1. 4.1.1 removed "Proxies should not intervene in methods other than GET, POST, HEAD." Removed: 4.2.1 Applicable Responses Proxies should not intervene in the response if the request method was not HEAD, GET or POST. RESOLUTION: replace final paragraph in with "A proxy MUST NOT reissue a POST request as it is unsafe (see section 9.1.1 of RFC 2616)" done RESOLUTION: add a bullet point to 4.2.9 for "content that is data - [appendix with list of data mime types]"; application/json ; application/soap+xml ; application/soap+fastinfoset ; application/fastsoap ; application/fastinfoset RESOLUTION: ref. LC-2269, resolve yes, and note that we have added a bullet point under 4.2.9, an appendix and a reference in 4.1.3 to address this situation RESOLUTION: Add the above-mentioned cautionary note to all applicable appendices 4.1.3 now reads: Before altering aspects of HTTP requests and responses proxies need to take account of the fact that HTTP is used as a transport mechanism for many applications other than "Traditional Browsing". Increasingly browser based applications involve exchanges of data using XmlHttpRequest (see 4.2.8 Proxy Decision to Transform) and alteration of such exchanges is likely to cause misoperation. added bullet to 4.2.8 (was 4.2.9): the Content-Type indicates that the content is "data" - some values are listed in D Internet Content Types associated with Data Content; Added Appendix D Internet Content Types associated with Data Content This list is not exhaustive and is likely to change. application/jsonapplication/soap+xmlapplication/soap+fastinfosetapplication/fastsoapapplication/fastinfoset Added cautionary note to Appendices C and E RESOLUTION: Add a section under J saying that a standard mechanism for establishing two party consent (that the server must have a possibility to negotiate or deny HTTPS link rewriting) as discussed under is needed. New Appendix: K.5 Explicit Consent Robust mechanisms are needed for indicating consent to or prohibition of transformation operations of various kinds, especially HTTPS link rewriting (see HTTPS Link Rewriting). RESOLUTION: ref. LC-2317, resolve yes, and add a definition of user interaction that mentions the communication channel. Exact wording to be defined by the Editor. This definition should be used in all the guidelines that mention user interaction similarly to Rotan's proposal in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-bpwg/2009Dec/0008.html Added 2.3 under Terminology 2.3 User Interaction At various points in this document there is reference to "notifying the user", "informing the user" - in general making the user aware that a situation exists or interacting with the user to solicit a choice of options. The expectation is that such user interaction is conducted in a way that allows the suer to perceive and interact with such information or choices in the same way as they interact with the Web sites that they are visiting. RESOLUTION: re LC-2318 resolve yes and add text to clarify Added the following note under 4.1.5 Note: It is emphasized that requests must not be altered in the presence of Cache-Control: no-transform as described under 4.1.2 no-transform directive in Request. RESOLUTION: replace bullet 4 of 4.1.5 with: 3. the request is part of a sequence of requests comprising either included resources or linked resources on the same Web site (see (sic) RESOLUTION: Remove 2nd para of 4.2.3 and adjust end of first para to suit (sic) RESOLUTION: In re LC-2319, resolve yes and modify the text to say Other than the modifications required by RFC 2616 4.1.5 "Aside from the usual procedures defined in [RFC 2616 HTTP] proxies should not ..." changed to suit. RESOLUTION: in re LC-2322 - add to 4.2.7, in parentheses, If the user agent is determined as being "handheld" done RESOLUTION: Change "the user agent has features (such as linearization or zoom) that allow it to present the content unaltered;" to "the user agent has features (such as linearization or zoom, is a desktop device using a mobile network for access) that allow it to present the content without the need for alteration by the proxy;" done
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