[minutes] BPWG 2010-04-06


The minutes of today's call are available at:

... and copied as raw text below.

Resolved this week:
- BPWG Requests Transition of CT Guidelines Draft 1za to Candidate 
- Exit criterion for Candidate Recommendation phase of CT Guidelines is 
2 independent deployments claiming conformance
- We will include text in status section noting that we are looking at 
creating a test suite and that people interested in contributing should 
do so by noting so on public-bpwg-comments

No call next week, next call on Tuesday 20 April 2010.


06 Apr 2010


       [2] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-bpwg/2010Apr/0003.html

    See also: [3]IRC log

       [3] http://www.w3.org/2010/04/06-bpwg-irc


           tomhume, miguel, francois, jo, SeanP

           Dan, yeliz, nacho, adam, jeffs, brucel, EdC




      * [4]Topics
          1. [5]Mobile Web Application Best Practices
          2. [6]CT Guidelines
          3. [7]AOB
      * [8]Summary of Action Items

Mobile Web Application Best Practices

    <francois> [9]Current MWABP implementation report

       [9] http://www.w3.org/2010/01/mwabp-implementation-report

    jo: thanks tom. Dan is trying to get some more out of vodafone.

    francois: I've added Tom's to the report, if you can add another
    it'd be fantastic

    <Zakim> tomhume, you wanted to say I've one on the way

CT Guidelines

    <francois> ACTION-1045?

    <trackbot> ACTION-1045 -- Jo Rabin to enact LC-2377 and LC-2378 --
    due 2010-04-06 -- PENDINGREVIEW


      [10] http://www.w3.org/2005/MWI/BPWG/Group/track/actions/1045

    jo: I sent a new version (draft 1za) to close ACTION-1045.
    ACTION-1046 and ACTION-1047 were on francois and dan
    ... to check out OPES and status 203 stuff

    <francois> close ACTION-1045

    <trackbot> ACTION-1045 Enact LC-2377 and LC-2378 closed

    <francois> ACTION-1046?

    <trackbot> ACTION-1046 -- Daniel Appelquist to ask Larry Masinter
    for Chapter and Verse on IETF work that may be more recent than RFC
    3238 -- due 2010-04-06 -- OPEN


      [11] http://www.w3.org/2005/MWI/BPWG/Group/track/actions/1046

    jo: I mentioned in my notes to the list that we can close these.

    <francois> close ACTION-1046

    <trackbot> ACTION-1046 Ask Larry Masinter for Chapter and Verse on
    IETF work that may be more recent than RFC 3238 closed

    <francois> ACTION-1047?

    <trackbot> ACTION-1047 -- François Daoust to discuss status code 203
    -- due 2010-04-06 -- PENDINGREVIEW


      [12] http://www.w3.org/2005/MWI/BPWG/Group/track/actions/1047

    <francois> close ACTION-1047

    <trackbot> ACTION-1047 Discuss status code 203 closed

    <jo> PROPOSED RESOLUTION: BPWG Requests Transition of CT Guidelines
    Draft 1za to CR

    +1 for the love of God, +1

    francois: two things relating to the resolution... process-wise we
    need to send the responses to the two editorial comments we received
    ... (which will be "yes"). In theory they could object but I don't
    see how.
    ... Secondly we need to agree on the exit criteria. We need to
    mention the test suite. Conformance will be checked against that
    test suite.
    ... This doesn't prevent us taking this resolution.

    <francois> +1

    jo: I think we can make the exit criteria the same as all the

    <jo> +1

    jo: any objections?

    <miguel> +1

    RESOLUTION: BPWG Requests Transition of CT Guidelines Draft 1za to

    jo: next up, we need to consider exit criteria.

    <jo> PROPOSED RESOLUTION: Exit criterion for CT Guidelines is 2
    conforming implementations

    <SeanP> +1

    <francois> [suggest to say something along the lines of "2
    conforming Transformation Deployments from independent companies"
    and "conformance will be assessed by a test suite that has yet to be

    jo: Sean, you said you'd talk to us about what Novarra/Nokia could
    contribute to a test suite...

    seanP: I'm still trying to find out what we'll do on that. It's
    unclear now what the story is. I'll be staying in the group, I'll
    know more in the next couple of weeks.

    jo: francois, I know it's good practice to have a test suite but the
    document doesn't refer to a test suite, so one could regard a test
    suite as being additional to a statement of conformance, were one to
    be narrowly legal about it...

    francois: if we don't put anything into the document around how to
    assess if deployments conform to spec, we'll likely have some

    jo: we describe in the document how to claim conformance.

    francois: it doesn't follow the direction current specs are working
    wrt conformance and test suites. I think this is what we'll be
    expected to do.
    ... we have to go through a (transition?) call internally. I
    wouldn't be surprised if we were asked the question.

    jo: we don't have a status-of-document section yet.

    francois: the group has to agree on the criteria.

    jo: can we just go for this please, and go for claims of conformance
    without saying how people claim conformance beyond honesty and

    <francois> [13]MathML for CSS

      [13] http://www.w3.org/TR/2009/CR-mathml-for-css-20091215/

    <francois> [14]SOTD section for the above MathML spec

      [14] http://www.w3.org/TR/2009/CR-mathml-for-css-20091215/#status

    <francois> [[ The testing will make use of parts of the
    comprehensive MathML Test Suite. ]]

    francois: take a look at this document. I'm not saying we have to
    follow this, but it does talk of a test suite. ("The testing will
    make use of parts of the comprehensive MathML Test Suite")
    ... (reads, thinks) I think you're right. We're expecting 2
    implementation reports. We're expecting to work on a test suite even
    if we don't connect it to the report itself.

    <francois> [15]Another example for XForms 1.0 Basic Profile

      [15] http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/CR-xforms-basic-20031014/#status

    jo: more than anything else we want people to say "yes, we think
    this is worthwhile enough to claim conformance". Remember that we're
    looking for deployments rather than individual pieces of software.

    <francois> [[ The W3C XForms Working Group has released a public
    test suite for XForms 1.0 Full and Basic along with an
    implementation report. ]]

    <jo> PROPOSED RESOLUTION: Exit criterion for CT Guidelines is 2
    independent deployments claiming conformance

    <Zakim> tomhume, you wanted to wonder if it's possible for anyone
    outside deployers of proxies to validate conformance via a test

    tomhume: can anyone outside deployers validate? and not all criteria
    are suitable for automated testing (UI)

    jo: in claiming conformance, you have to publicise how to get at
    that deployment to assess what it does
    ... in answer to the second point, I think that's OK.

    tomhume: a test suite will only be able to test a subset of tests

    francois: test suites normally cover specifications but not
    ... you can't test each and every case.
    ... "the more the merrier"

    <jo> PROPOSED RESOLUTION: Exit criterion for CT Guidelines is 2
    independent deployments claiming conformance


    <francois> +1

    <jo> +1

    <miguel> +1

    <SeanP> +1

    RESOLUTION: Exit criterion for CT Guidelines is 2 independent
    deployments claiming conformance

    jo: francois, what would you like us to resolve about test suites?

    francois: the document will mention there's no test suite at time of
    publication, but there needs to be one in future.

    jo: we could also say "people interested in contributing to the test
    suite should contact ..."

    <jo> PROPOSED RESOLUTION: Include text in status noting that we are
    looking at creating a test suite and that people interested in
    contributing should do so by noting so on public-bpwg-comments

    <jo> +1

    <SeanP> +1

    <francois> +1

    <miguel> +1


    RESOLUTION: Include text in status noting that we are looking at
    creating a test suite and that people interested in contributing
    should do so by noting so on public-bpwg-comments

    <francois> PROPOSED RESOLUTION: ref editorial comments LC-2377 and
    LC-2378, resolve yes and note that they were integrated in draft 1za

    <jo> +1

    <francois> +1

    <miguel> +1

    <SeanP> +1

    RESOLUTION: ref editorial comments LC-2377 and LC-2378, resolve yes
    and note that they were integrated in draft 1za

    francois: I pinged reviewers of the last LC (Mark Nottingham and
    Luca, mainly). Luca said he'd reply this week but hasn't so far - I
    don't think that we should wait for him given that we agree with his
    comments. Mark replied off-list to say he wouldn't be sending any
    further comments (tho he's not crazy-in-love with it).

    jo: in view of the smallish number of people here and that we've
    closed outstanding actions, I suggest we don't bother to go through
    outstanding issues and actions.


    jo: thanks all.
    ... do we want a call next week?

    francois: unless something comes out this week, we won't have much
    to do. Looking forward we're after news on test suite and
    implementation reports.
    ... we could have a call every two weeks or less.

    jo: Let's have the next call in 2 weeks time. Any objections?

    <jo> PROPOSED RESOLUTION: By way of patting ourselves on the back
    for requesting transition of CT we will not be holding a call next
    week, so next call will be 20th April

    <francois> +1


    <SeanP> +1

    <miguel> +1

    <jo> +1

    RESOLUTION: By way of patting ourselves on the back for requesting
    transition of CT we will not be holding a call next week, so next
    call will be 20th April

    jo: AOB?

    <jo> [call adjourned]

    <SeanP> bye

Summary of Action Items

    [End of minutes]

Received on Tuesday, 6 April 2010 14:37:49 UTC