Content Transformation Draft 1w - this version going to 2nd Last Call

Following today's resolution here [1] is a new draft of CT Guidelines 
featuring a couple of changes as discussed on the call [2].



I did not adopt one suggestion of Sean's - namely

--In, in the first paragraph it is stated that "proxies should
make the request for such resources with the same User-Agent header
field...".  Other altered header fields should be included as well
(e.g., Accept).

since that introduces a bogey man from a different phase in the group's 
pre-history, which is that it is a moot point as to whether your 
accept-* headers should reflect the resource type you are expecting, or 
not. e.g. if you are expecting an image you may restrict the accept to 
contain image/* variants and not include others.

In any case, having been round the circuit a few times on that topic in 
the past I would strongly prefer to "remain silent" on the topic.


Received on Tuesday, 29 September 2009 16:53:21 UTC