- From: Phil Archer <phila@w3.org>
- Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2009 11:23:40 +0100
- To: achuter@technosite.es
- CC: MWI BPWG Public <public-bpwg@w3.org>, kai-Dietrich Scheppe <k.scheppe@telekom.de>
As noted, I'm working through the document now. Comments inline below. Alan Chuter wrote: > Starting at the end I have read through some of the document [3]. Here > are a few comments. > > ==3.25 Structure== > > "Verify that <list> elements are used..." should be just "Verify that > list elements are used..." or "Verify that lists are marked up" as > there is no <list> element, rather <ul>, <ol> and <dl>. Done. Text says: "Verify that list elements are used to represent lists (ordered, unordered, or definition lists) and are not used for formatting effects." > > Likewise "Verify that <header> elements" should be "Verify that header > elements" or perhaps "<hn> elements" Done. Text says: "Verify that heading elements (<h1>, <h2> etc.) are used to represent headers and are not used for formatting effects." > > In "Verify that all information, which is visually is shown as a block > of text, uses paragraph or <blockquote>..." it is probably better not to > mention <blockquote> as it is so often abused. Or tell people what it > means (markup of a quote). > > This last step might be clearer as (my emphasis) "Verify that all > information, which is visually is shown as blocks of text, uses > **separate** paragraph or <div> elements in the markup rather than > separation by multiple <br> line breaks." > > For this BP the document could, as with lists, also include a provision > to ensure that mark up is used for headings, rather than font effects. > > Typo: "which is visually is shown" to "which visually is shown." Done. Text says: "Verify that all information that is shown visually as blocks of text uses separate elements such as <p> or <div> in the markup rather than creating visual separation using multiple <br> line breaks." > > ==3.29 Tables Support== > > I think that "Relevant Delivery Context Capabilities / Table support" > should be "No table support." I might agree but I'm keeping changes to absolute minimum given the long history of the doc so I have not made this change. > > ==3.30 URIs== > > There seems to be an incoherence between the two steps of the evaluation > procedure. If the domain name should be short, then if a path is > necessary (as implied by the second step) than the path should be > included in the limit. Perhaps it would be better not to mention domain > but simply say that the path including the domain should be within the > limit. > > Typos: capitalisation in "entry Domain" and full stop in "in .html Ensure." Typos corrected but, again, I have kept changes to a minimum by not playing with the text itself. > > ==3.31 Use of Color [1]== > > "Verify that color is not used to represent information." I think that > this should be "Verify that color is not used as the sole means to > represent any item of information." That's clearer without changing the meaning. Done. > > In the Examples, "Red text may be used to convey error messages but the > fact that it is an error message should be clear without color." perhaps > say "Red text may be used to **highlight** error messages but the fact > that it is an error message should **also be conveyed in some other > way** without color **(like asterisks or emphasis with the em element)**." > > This is covered in detail in WCAG 2.0 [2] so perhaps a link would be > useful here. Added. > > [1] > http://www.w3.org/2005/MWI/BPWG/Group/TaskForces/mobileOKPro/drafts/ED-mobileOK-pro10-tests-20090922#L212226 > > [2] > http://www.w3.org/TR/UNDERSTANDING-WCAG20/visual-audio-contrast-without-color.html > > [3] > http://www.w3.org/2005/MWI/BPWG/Group/TaskForces/mobileOKPro/drafts/ED-mobileOK-pro10-tests-20090922 > > -- Phil Archer W3C Mobile Web Initiative http://www.w3.org/Mobile http://philarcher.org
Received on Tuesday, 22 September 2009 10:24:21 UTC