Re: New draft MWABP (17th Sept 09)

On Mon, 21 Sep 2009 21:41:00 +0100, Adam Connors <>  

> New draft uploaded:
> Major changes:

> - Added text on Canvas & SVG.

"Canvas is best suited for cases where a static bitmap is sufficient (e.g.  
drawing a scatter-chart, visual effects, reflections etc).

In most cases Canvas is faster and should be preferred if it meets  

I think we should explicitly call out that canvas is currently  
inaccessible, as it's just pixels and there is  no DOM for assistive  
technologies to interrogate. It's a moving <img> tag. So it should be used  
for decoration, or supplementing information on the screen, not as the  
sole way of conveying information. How to do it

See for information on how  
to use the Canvas tag.

I don't think we should link to w3schools as we shouldn't "bless" one  
single commericial site; the spec for canvas is at which is  
where I believe we should link to.

> - Added text and reference for ARIA.


Received on Tuesday, 22 September 2009 09:37:42 UTC